Bibliothèque Germanique by Lenfant 1720-26
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CHINA. (LENFANT, JACQUES, editor). (3). Bibliothèque Germanique ou histoire litteraire de l´Allemagne et des pays de Nord. I-XII (more published). Amsterdam (chez Pierre Humbert) 1720-26.
8:o (about 147x95 mm.).
Contemporary vellum, spines with manuscript titles, red edges. 3 volumes.
Löwendahl: China illustrata nova. Supplement, Serials m, and 1605,1606.
Published in 50 volumes up to 1741. Founded by Jacques Lenfant in 1720 and edited by him to his death in 1728. From vol. II a slightly different title.
Vol. II contains i. a. a French version of Johan Bernhard Müller´s "Leben und Gewonheiten der Ostjacken" (Berlin 1720) on pp. 155-172.
Vol. V contains i.a. an anonymous review of "De eclipsi sinica quae Christo in crucem acto facta esse creditur... Accedunt praeceptiones de lingua sinica" by Gottlieb Siegfried Bayer on pp. 19-40, "Brevis disquisitio de eclipsi solis quae à Sinis anno 7. Quang-vi-ti notata est Auctore Christfrido Kirchio. Ms. C´est à-dire. Courte dissertaation sur la même eclipse" by Christfried Kirch on pp. 41-51, and "Addition... aux deux articles précedens" by Alphonse des Vignoles on pp. 51-62.
From the library of Swedish antiquarian bookdealer Björn Löwendahl (1941-2013).
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