Klubbat belopp | 1 100 SEK |
Utropspris | 1 500 SEK |
DIESEL 1991-2001, fotoreproduktion från utställningen "Finally it all makes sense", monterad på aluminium, katalognummer 015A, unikt exemplar framtaget till utställningen, Fotografiska museet 18 november 2016 / 05 februari 2017, text ur utställningskatalogen: "Metal-detectors were being utilized in discovering children brining weapons in to the schools. That violence breeds violence is nothing new, and that you cant shoot someone without a weapon is something I hope people will come to realize." photographer: Andrew Macpherson, creative team: Jocke Jonason, Brian Badermann and Linus Karlsson, 57 x 90 cm.
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