Roy Lichtenstein
Klubbat belopp | 2 600 SEK |
Utropspris | 3 000 SEK |
ROY LICHTENSTEIN (1923-1997): Utställningsaffisch, "Amerikansk Pop-konst", Moderna Museet 1964, 100x70 cm
Affisch från den första europeiska utställningen med Pop-konst. Annika Örhner skriver i boken "Art in Transfer in the era of pop (2017)":
"Amerikansk pop-konst: 106 former av kärlek och förtvivlan (American Pop Art: 106 Forms of Love and Despair) was the very first showing in a European museum of pop art, opening on 29 February 1964 at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm. In Sweden´s national narrative, this exhibition has been inscribed as a pioneering moment, opening a new space for an "Open Art" in Sweden, as well as constituting a triumphant moment for American art in Europe." (p.16)
Men det fanns också stora motsättningar mot den amerikanska pop-konsten. En invasion av imperialism som märktes över hela världen, eller som Felix Greene skriver i boken "The Enemy: Notes on Imperialism and Revolution, (1970):
".New Realists & Pop Art, the first Pop Art exhibition in West Germany, at the Adademie der Kûnste in West Berlin. At the opening, the gallerist and curator René Block protested against the lack of German artists in the show while wearing gas mask with a poster strapped to his back that advertised New German Realists at
Gallery Block." (p.51)
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