The Sino-Swedish Expedition, 27 vol.
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THE SINO-SWEDISH EXPEDITION (27). HEDIN, SVEN et al. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of Dr Sven Hedin -The Sino-Swedish Expedition. Stockholm, 1937-82.
4:o. C. 300 x 235 mm. (measures vary somewhat). Mostly in original cloth bindings, with wrapper bound in, a few with original wrappers. One dedication.
Incomplete set containing publications amongst others:
No. II:1. AMBOLT, N. Latitude and longitude determinations (1938), No. II:2. AMBOLT, N. Relative schwerkraftsbestimmungen mit pendeln in Zentralasien (1948), III:1. NORIN, E. Geology of Western Qurouq Tagh (1937), III: 2-3. BOHLIN, B. Notes on some late palaezoic localities in th Nan-Shan se of Tun-Huang (1937, 2 copies), III:3 BOHLIN, B. Notes on the hydrography of Western Kansu (1940), III:4. DU RIETZ, T. Igneous rocks of Nanshan (1940, 2 copies), III:6. NORIN, E. Geologic reconnaissances in the Chinese Tien-Shan (1941, 2 copies), III:7. NORIN, E. Geological explorations in Western Tibet (1946), V:3. REGNELL, G. On the siluro-Svonian fauna of Chöl-tagh, eastern Tien-shan (1941), VI:1. BOHLIN, B. Eine tertiäre Säugetier-fauna aus Tsaidam (1937), VI:2. BOHLIN, B. Oberoligozäne Säugetiere (1937),VI:3. BOHLIN, B.The fossil mammals fron the tertiary deposit of Taben-buluk, Western Kansu (1942-46, part 1-2), VII:1. BERGMAN, F. Archaeological researches in Sinkiang (1939), VII:2. SYLWAN, VIVI. Wollen textiles of Lou-lan people (1941), VII:4. FÜRST, C. M. - AMSCHLER, J. W. The skeletal material... / Tierreste... (1939), VII:5. ARNE, T. J. Excavation at Shah Tepé, Iran (1945), VIII:1. LESSING, F. D. Yung-Ho-Kung. Vol I. (1942), VIII:4. The music of the monguls. Part 1. (1943), IX:1. HAUDE, W. Ergebnisse der Allgemeinen Meteorologischen Beobachtungen... (1940), IX:2. ALBRECHT, F. Ergebnisse von Dr Haudes beobachtungen der Strahlung . (1941), XI:1. MAGNUSSON, A.H. Lichens from Central Asia (1940).
27 volumes in all. Not collated. More published.
Not complete. Not collated. Partly slight wear to bindings / wrappers, some faded spines. A few library stamps.