Beso – Pocket Watches

For the third time, Stockholms Auktionsverk Göteborg returns to the Beso collections. Bertil Svensson established his firm in 1975 in the Antikhallarna. His booth in the grand old bank palace became a gathering place for watch enthusiasts and all those who, in one way or another, cherished vintage wristwatches, pocket watches, and even grandfather clocks. Alongside his business, Bertil Svensson also spent 20 years as a beloved expert on Antikrundan.
This time, pocket watches are accompanied by chains, cases, winding keys, and relevant literature. The selection is a little slice of heaven for dedicated collectors who simply can’t get enough of everything related to long and short hands.
Welcome to Stockholms Auktionsverk Göteborg and the Beso theme!

JOHAN GLADMAN, fickur, gustavianskt, trefärgat 18K guld...
Estimate | 25,000 SEK |
Current bid | 23,000 SEK |

FICKUR, 18K guld, Frankrike, 1850-tal.
Estimate | 12,000 SEK |
Current bid | 7,555 SEK |

CARL E. ORBIN, fickur, gustavianskt, 18K guld, Stockhol...
Estimate | 22,000 SEK |
Current bid | 21,000 SEK |

FICKUR, 2 st, silver, England, 1800-talets senare del.
Estimate | 3,000 SEK |
Current bid | 800 SEK |

FICKUR, skelettur, 18K guld, Frankrike, 1700-talets sen...
Estimate | 7,000 SEK |
Current bid | 5,637 SEK |

FICKUR, 18K guld, Frankrike, 1820-tal.
Estimate | 7,000 SEK |
Current bid | 5,500 SEK |

CARL E. ORBIN. Fickur, gustavianskt, silver, Stockholm,...
Estimate | 3,000 SEK |
Current bid | 1,648 SEK |

AU LINGOT D'OR, fickur, stål och vitmetall, Schweiz, ca...
Estimate | 1,500 SEK |
Current bid | 500 SEK |

DEUBER WATCH CO/HAMPDEN WATCH CO, fickur, sterlingsilve...
Estimate | 1,500 SEK |
Current bid | 400 SEK |

MERMODS & FRERS, fickur, silver, Schweiz, 1880-tal.
Estimate | 1,500 SEK |
Current bid | 307 SEK |

TAVENNES, fickur, silver, Schweiz, 1910-tal.
Estimate | 3,000 SEK |
Current bid | 1,000 SEK |

DANIEL HERRSTRÖM. Fickur, silver, Stockholm, 1810-tal.
Estimate | 3,000 SEK |
Current bid | 1,500 SEK |

GREGSON, fickur, silver, Paris, 1800-talets första del.
Estimate | 3,000 SEK |
Current bid | 1,604 SEK |

LITHERLAND WHITESIDE & CO, fickur, silver, England, 188...
Estimate | 3,000 SEK |
Current bid | 1,000 SEK |

FICKUR, 18K guld, England, 17- och 1800-tal.
Estimate | 28,000 SEK |
Current bid | 24,007 SEK |

FICKUR, gulmetall, Frankrike-Schweiz, 1800-talets först...
Estimate | 3,000 SEK |
Current bid | 3,000 SEK |

ANDERS VIKMAN. Fickur, gustavianskt, silver, Stockholm,...
Estimate | 6,000 SEK |
Current bid | 2,701 SEK |

HÅRARBETEN, 4 st, för fickur.
Estimate | 1,000 SEK |
Current bid | 0 SEK |

WILHELM PAULI. Fickur, sengustavianskt, silver, Stockho...
Estimate | 2,500 SEK |
Current bid | 1,000 SEK |

WHITEHEAD, fickur, silver, London, 1820-tal.
Estimate | 3,000 SEK |
Current bid | 0 SEK |

FICKUR, silver, England, 1830-tal.
Estimate | 3,000 SEK |
Current bid | 308 SEK |

JOHN BUCKLEY. Fickur, silver, England, 1850-tal.
Estimate | 4,000 SEK |
Current bid | 2,000 SEK |

FICKUR, repeter, 18K guld, Schweiz, 1800-talets första ...
Estimate | 12,000 SEK |
Current bid | 10,000 SEK |

ROBERT ROSKELL. Fickur, 18K guld, Liverpool, 1800-talet...
Estimate | 35,000 SEK |
Current bid | 32,718 SEK |