N.B. This is an unofficial translation of the original Swedish version.In case of discrepancies, the Swedish version shall prevail.

Stockholms Auktionsverk undertakes to act as commissioner to sell items submitted by the Seller at hammer auction according to the terms and conditions stated below. Stockholms Auktionsverk is entitled to sell submitted items at the auction opportunity that according to Stockholms Auktionsverk’s estimation will yield the best result, or which for any other reason is deemed as most appropriate.

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10.2 In the case that Stockholms Auktionsverk is held responsible to the Buyer for faults or defects in sold items, Stockholms Auktionsverk has the right to claim compensation from the Seller equivalent to any compensation StockholmsAuktionsverk may have paid the Buyer in respect of the defect. The Seller is in full understanding of the general terms and conditions adhered to by StockholmsAuktionsverk regarding Buyers at auctions.

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13.1 If the Seller has acted as a consumer, the conditions specified in Swedish mandatory consumer legislation may apply in lieu of these general conditions, if andas far as the mandatory legislation indicates more favourable conditions for theSeller than the general conditions described above.
13.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with the agreements above shall be settled in accordance with Swedish law in general court in Sweden with theStockholm District Court as the first instance.
13.3 In any dispute in which the parties are unable to reach agreement, the Seller, if acting as a consumer and is an EU resident, may turn to The National Board forConsumer Disputes (Allmänna reklamationsnämnden, or ARN) in Sweden, atwww.arn.se, or by post to Allmänna reklamationsnämnden, Box 174, 101 23Stockholm. The Seller may also turn to the European Online Dispute Resolution(ODR) platform available at the website of the European Commission,https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.

These terms and conditions apply from 3 June 2023.